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What does it mean to worship God?


Christian worship is the natural outcome of encountering God – we respond with honor while expressing love, gratitude, and devotion to the Creator and Sustainer of everything. There are many forms of worship, but the essence of this response to God is much more about the posture of your heart than about culturally accepted rituals.

In the language of the New Testament, the word for worship is literally translated to mean “to encounter God and bow down before Him in reverence”.

For Christians, worship is rooted in recognizing who God is and responding appropriately. The Bible portrays God as holy, all-powerful, all-knowing, and perfectly loving. In light of God's character, worship begins with our reverence, humility, and awe. As the psalmist wrote, "Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness" (Psalm 29:2).

What sets Christian worship apart from other faith traditions is that followers of Jesus worship God the Father, because of the work of salvation accomplish by Jesus the Son, through the power and prompting of the Holy Spirit.

Another important distinction was taught by Jesus. He said that true worshippers worship "in spirit and truth" (read John 4:23-24). In the context of what Jesus was teaching in John 4, this means Christians can worship God anywhere, not just in a church building because God is everywhere (spirit), because of the truth of the salvation provided for us through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Of course we can and should worship God corporately with other followers of Jesus, yet biblical worship extends far beyond the Sunday morning church service. The apostle Paul wrote "present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship" (read Romans 12:1). That means worship is a lifestyle where we offer every part of our life to God in gratitude and for His purpose.

How do Christians worship God?

  1. Praise: Expressing love, respect, and thanks to God, often through music but also through the words we say.
  2. Prayer: Intimate and two-way communication with God.
  3. Through the Bible: Reading, studying, memorizing, and meditating on God’s Word.
  4. Ordinances: We recognize God’s participation and love for us as we participate in the Lord’s Supper and observe baptism.
  5. Service: We use the gifts and abilities God has given to us to serve other people – that’s an act of devotion to God.
  6. Giving: We leverage our time, talents, and finances for God’s purposes.
  7. Evangelism: We honor God by doing what Jesus instructed us to do – tell people about the good news of the salvation He offers everyone who believes in Him.

Ultimately, Christians believe that worship on earth is preparation for eternity. In the last book of the Bible, the Apostle John described what God allowed Him to see in heaven – ceaseless worship around God’s throne, with everything finally as it should be. When we worship on this side of heaven, we’re participating in what will be our future reality: basking in the presence of the Almighty.

While worship styles vary among denominations and churches, the object of our worship remains consistent. Whether in a grand cathedral, a humble house church, or alone in nature, worship centers on glorifying God and enjoying His presence.

Worship is our all-encompassing response to God's love and grace. It involves every part of our life, engages both our emotions and intellect, and is expressed in multiple ways for the same purpose: it’s our response to encountering our holy, forgiving, and loving triune God.

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