An Appeal to American Christians

For the record, I know I cannot make you do anything, so please do not read the following as chastisement or critical. Instead, this comes from the pen of an imperfect follower of Jesus, a patriotic citizen, and a hopeful husband, father, grandfather, pastor, and friend.
I feel compelled to write to my fellow Americans on the eve of an important election. As we prepare for the cessation of hostilities in the form of political advertisements on our various screens, I hope you have yet to reach the level of rhetorical fatigue that will result in you avoiding your polling place tomorrow. Christians, the act of voting is not only our civic duty but gives us a way to fulfill our call to be salt and light in a world that is desperately in need of righteousness.
We have the Spirit of God living inside of us, which means we have, among many other gifts, the ability to approach politics and governance with both conviction and discernment. That means we bear the responsibility to couple our political engagement and biblical values. Our votes should reflect what God has taught us in His sacred and infallible Word, prioritizing issues such as the sanctity of life and the defense of religious freedoms. The ballot you cast is an opportunity to advocate for policies that align with your faith in Jesus and moves us one step closer to creating a culture that honors God’s design for His human creation.
Our involvement in politics is more than mere participation; it allows us to leverage our God-given influence while holding accountable those in office for governing according to biblical values. Faith in Jesus compels us to be proactive in shaping the culture around us. Voting is our chance to uphold the principles upon which our nation was founded – faith, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – striving for them secondarily as we remain, first and foremost, bondservants of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are called not only to vote but to mobilize others within our communities, ensuring that our collective voice echoes in the halls of power as we, as Mr. Jefferson so eloquently wrote, “mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
The Holy Spirit of God instructed us through the Apostle Paul to “submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God.” 1 Peter 2 echoes Paul’s directive and includes our motivation for doing so – because of our relationship with Jesus and to engage with people in ways that reflect the goodness, grace, and love of the Lord. Voting is a tangible way to pursue good, advocating for policies that promote freedom for everyone. If we abstain from the electoral process, we cede our influence to those whose values may starkly oppose our own.
As we get ready for election day, remember that voting is not simply a right; it is a privilege woven into the fabric of the democracy of the nation God allows us to call our temporary home. Our vote is a testimony of our faith in action, demonstrating our commitment to a nation that honors God’s truth. Though there has been much written about the gravity of this particular election, every election represents a crossroads – a moment in time to align our choices with what God has taught us is best. Better still, our voices do not merely ring out just for ourselves but for generations to come.
My friends, I sincerely hope you will engage in the electoral process with prayerful consideration, seeking wisdom from God as you prepare to walk into your polling place tomorrow. While God will not be surprised by the outcome, nor will the person in the Oval Office ever be able to thwart His perfect plans, it is still our responsibility as followers of Jesus to stand boldly for values consistent with the Word of God.
Writing as Poor Richard, Benjamin Franklin wrote a much better version of my first sentence. He said, “We must give advice, but we cannot give conduct.” My advice, friends, is to vote. The resulting conduct is up to you.
May God continue to bless the United States of America,
John Sanders
Senior Pastor, Generations Church
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