Of all the reasons people give for not reading the Bible, simple discouragement ranks highest. The Bible’s length alone is imposing, but it’s more like a self-contained library than it is a book. It includes sixty-six different books, by several dozen authors. We’ve compiled several reading plans that will help you break the Bible into manageable and thematic portions as you develop the life-changing habit of engaging God’s Word. We’re praying for you as you continue to invest in your spiritual growth!
Start here.
30 Days with Jesus. Always start with Jesus – the whole Bible is about Jesus, so it makes good sense to start with Him.
Next step plans.
40 days in 1 and 2 Corinthians.
Two week plans.
Overview of the Old Testament.
Have a question about the Bible? Want to request a reading plan? Email us at hello@gogenerationschurch.com
You can find hundreds of Bible reading plans at Bible.com.